Bitcoin and USDT Dominance at a Crucial Juncture-Here’s How It May Impact the AltSeason!

The Digital Currency Boom has been a wild and vibrant ride due to the domination of two particular tokens – Bitcoin (BTC) and Stablecoin – USDT. Both these crypto assets together make up more than 80% of the total daily trading volume and hence, any changes in their price and general importance could drastically affect the entire cyrpto world. In recent circumstances, BTC shot up in dominance to hit astronomical highs of 52%, prompting many to invest in the currency in anticipation of an altcoin bonanza right after.However, not long after it stood at its peak levels, the dominance of this coin came crashing down to record levels of 48.76%. Now, reductions in BTC’s strength resultantly promises a major altcoin rally, but this rally might get exploited as USDT already ushers in an extensive sustained stall. USDT too, is close on giving off an Up/Downwards Manifestation allowing alt coins to slide up 20-40%. Unfortunately, this goes alongside BTC’s relentless effort to retrigger its original intensity of 49%, which could ultimately draw capital away from the other cryptocurrencies. In conclusion, many suggest that the coming days are quite important for the possibility of an altseason showering life upon the class of altcoins – and the same applies for BTC and USDT.