Coinbase’s VIP Hiring Program Attracts Over 200 Applications

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong announced their VIP Access Program last week . This launch saw an immense response as more than 250 applications poured in from around the globe. According to the report, the overwhelming majority of these came from North America, with Europe, Middle East and Africa throwing in 39 applications; India coming out with 13 and finally Asia Pacific with 10. As for the two remaining invitees, Latin America provided them.

The launch was an attempt to hire extremely talented and passionate cryptofanatics and people who boast a certain skill set, possessive of experiences like elite armed forces conduct or involvement in renowned math/eng/chess/gaming competitions, renowned crypto influencer, have held on to the O-1 Visa, which requires exceptional amount of success at the area the person may be winner in.

Brian Armstrong was so intrigued by the level of responses that he took to Twitter, to provide the followers a peek into the applications received so far. According to Armstrong’s Tweet, Johnathan Doen, CEO of Calculx Solutions stated that out of 283 applicants, 65 having lived a crypto-experienced life, 56 having even established and later sold a company, 22 associated with the elite armed forces in some capacity to 43 attractors from the socialized media networking due to their vast customer access.

This survey outlines the ambitions that highly skilled individuals have to exponentially amplifying the economy and shrugging away the confines under which autonomy is frequently stated to be regardedy.