Ethereum Competitor Avalanche Sees Surge in Daily Transactions and Active Addresses in Second Quarter: Nansen

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Amid Q2 of 2023, cryptocurrency competitor Avalance’s (AVAX) C-Chain witnessed an influx of on-chain activity, as reported by crypto data firm Nansen. The project’s smart contract blockchain boasted transactions’ daily valumes from 200,000 all the way up to 550,000 according to the analytics organisation – an indicator of the prospering frateniry vigorously supporting Avalanche. This upswing in on-chain activities was not contingent upon AVAX’s token valume, which during the second quarter dropped from $17.79 to $13.02; lower by as much as 27%. Additionally, total value locked (TVL) on Avalanche descended from $867 million to $693.94 million during last quarter, culminating in a neglect of about 20%. Avalanche’s TV