Financial System Strips Middle Class of Their Assets: Robert Kennedy Jr

During an exclusive Fox News Town Hall on Tuesday, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. raised voice against an unfair economic system, that strips middle-class citizens of their equity and assets. “$4 trillion has been shifted away from the middle-class to uphold the reign of the rich”, said Kennedy Jr., while adding that the current circumstances for such citizens during the pandemic was the “last nail in the coffin”. He criticized various “inappropriate decisions made at the White House” while trumpeting his platfrom – he clarified that his claims were meant to decry the decisions and not the individual presidency. Additionally, Kennede Jr. expressed support for nurturing the cryptocurrency economy while declining people to have taxation of BTC-USD transactions. “If proper measures are taken, no one will be bound to pay taxes on transactions between Bitcoin and US Dollar”- said Kennedy Jr. Moreover, he also added that BTC stands to be more than just a currency envisaged with diversified concepts, such as “Exercise in Democracy”; besides making a potential barrier to limit the manipulative control of fiat money supply.