In a shocking move, New York City Mayor Eric Adams was recently thrust into the limelight amid an unexpected revision of his financial disclosure form, due to his undisclosed crypto investments. A spokesperson for Adams motivated the oversight by attributing it to a misunderstanding of the question posed. Contradictorilly, Adams’ team members had previously affirmed they owned digital assets. Yet the mayor’s holdings in cryptocurrency remained stagnant. While the exact figures of Adams’ crypto holdings remain unrevealed, the crypto enthusiast had joined the digital currency universe right after his election victory in 2021 when Bitcoin traded close to $70,000 a coin. Fast-forward to the cooled-off crypto setting of the present day at around $31,5000 and Adams still held on to his investments even during the rumored “crypto winter” of 2022. With these developments, Adams upholds himself as a staunch promoter of cryptocurrencies and is determined to set his city between high-ranking Miami and centers of technology and crypto in Florida. Though decentralized assets and their necessary regulations are invariably stringent, Francis Suarez, Miami Mayor, sufficiently reassures a permissible conduct and reports a wealth increase of $3.4 million and $71,321 tokens in 2022. Lastly, it is intriguing to see to what extent politics will dodge the engaging realm of cryptocurrency.