The number of addresses holding Shiba Inu (SHIB) has seen a marked surge as data shows. Analytic figures from the blockchain analytics platform show that the addresses rose by an impressive 115% on a weekly basis. This in turn triggered the extra 22% growth from the earlier week, leaving the total of SHIB addresses to reach 3.51 million. Out of which, the non-zero addresses account to 1.24 million. Amid the rising number of protocol users, the token achieves the crucial milestone by taking past the built barrier locked at the value of $0.000008 earlier than expected.
Afterward, the rally tends to cool down and the costs can’t overcome the level of $0.00000872 that was seen on July 30th. Furthermore, within the last 24 hour term, the virtual asset plummeted by at least 2%. Why are Shiba Inu addresses has rising? as conjecture would have, the impetus behind the massive incline of addresses can potentially be credited to the soon-to-launch Shibarium blockchain. As Shiba Inu continuously stand as a leader in the respective crypto project market, the emergence of their horizontally scaled computing network – referred to as the layer-2 network – is expected to boost the attention, and eventually the cost, of the token.
What puts further enhancing in disguise in this even more, is the potential launching of the project’s metaverase within this, on the background of the prestigious Blockchain Futurist Conference, via the keynote of the project’s adviser- Marcie Jastrow- who confirmed the action is only “two weeks away to show the world”. Thus- the new users and the noteworthy injection of funds uplift anticipation for mass downloading of SHIB project alike.