A representative from the Shiba Inu team not long ago took to Twitter and alerted the community regarding a scam that posed as the project’s official Telegram channel. Vet Kusama revealed screenshots of the fake channel titled, “Shibarium Tech”, with the con artist impersonating lead developer Shytoshi Kusama in order to advertise a fraudulent ShibaSwap test program. Warnings were given to the Shiba Inu participants advising them to not use the fabricated channel or trust any material that was posted there. In addition, any airdrop proposes associated with the SHIB team were meant to swindle digital asset possessions.
This notification surfaced amidst the community having recently been put through a variety of attacks all courtesy of fraudsters. In addition, the team further reminded contributions that the chosen cryptocurrency TREAT had yet to be dispersed, making any offers to acquire invalid. This September the official Shibarmy Scam Alert Twitter page as well alerted of synthetic Shiba Inu dAppsingredients that would snag tokens as well as virtual money. Facing continuous fraudulence the Shiba Inu workforce continues on multitudes of efforts to advise and inform on the present online encircling.
In order to safeguard assets and resources, Shiba Inu contributers are instructed to first check on legitimate sources prior to relying on any announcements, presents, or connections associated with the ecosystem they are contributing to.