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By USURPA, SAMSUNG South Africa, and Art of Superwoman have teamed up together to curate a showcase for August of 2023, paying tribute to Womxn’s Month in South Africa. This curated artistic journey aims to entertain, educate, and inspire through a diverse range of immersive activities that bridge the worlds of art, technology, and inclusivity. Elevating technology and innovation, After Paradise is rewriting the rulebook for conventional art exhibitions. It does so by orchestrating distinctive and immersive encounters that artfully blur the boundary between artistic expression and technological marvels.
Despite being the minority, countless womxn have had a pivotal impact in the crypto and NFT industry, particularly as investors, developers, artists, and entrepreneurs. USURPA, along with Art of Superwoman, surely aim to continue to foster this by educating and mentoring regardless of Womxn’s Month. Traditional exhibitions can be filled with captivating VR installations, artist talks, and useful workshops that encompass subjects ranging from AI, blockchain technology, improvisational skills, identity matters and more.
It started only as an idea, which according to curator, founder, and artist Abieyuwa Eigbobo, continued into a humbling realization of rendition by the two exhibitions she initiated –namely those of August 9th, a homage to Women’s Day, and then another on August 19th. Digital artists such as Mpho Jacobs enjoyed unprecedented attention to their works: “It was amazing to see that not only were extensive planning and work bear fruitful results, but to see the number of people that came to support these artworks” said Jacobs. “This is something sorely lacking in the South African creative scene: now more people might be exposed to these experiences”.
A particular tribute was given to 27 female South African artists through this showcase that, ultimately, was much needed sent to open doors for future endeavors in the digital art market according to artist-director Hakeem Kae-Kazim: “Seeing that After Paradise spotlight these women and the stories relative to their unique pieces, inspired me in that it generated the realization that change was coming to world of art”.
Eigbobo insists this grand exhibit wasn’t meant to be a singular event, but precede further potential initiatives working with the same three organizations. As she puts it “It meant everything knowing our work inspired everyone, so I look forward to world of possibilities the those partnerships Cel shall bring”.