Vanguard Predicts Bonds To Make Strong Comeback: ‘Short-Term Pain Can Lead To Long-Term Gain’

Over the last two years, yields took a downward turn, but now the bond market appears to be making a comeback, and the Federal Reserve is taking the credit as per an analysis by Vanguard. In a Wednesday report the investment firm commented that the expectation of the Fed’s soon-to-come policy easing gave the markets the assurance that the once seemingly endless rate-hiking cycle has concluded, consequently pushing bond prices up and subsequently awarding investors bigger returns in the long run. As per their calculations, hunting for bonds is conferring investors with more rewards now, more than it has done in the past two decades.

This increase in bond prices also has an effect on the stock market, with stocks being increasingly impacted by the fluctuations of the bond market. Years of negative returns have now culminated in a revival for bond investowers, courtesy of the U.S. Fed’s much announced easing policies. Added intrigue to the scene was sevived by infamous marketer mogul, Jordan Belfort, when he suggested novice investowers to stay clear of advice from experts and professional marketeers to avoid excessive fees, commissions, and hence total tax %.

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