Logan Paul Says Cryptozoo Project Was Derailed by ‘Bad Actors’, Has Filed Lawsuit

Logan Paul recently announced, via Twitter, that he has taken the initiative to launch a lawsuit against individuals associated with CryptoZoo, who were allegedly involvee in “derailing” the project. As a making-whole opportunity for participants intending to play in the failed game, he committed more than $2.3million for a BaseEgg and Base Animal CryptoZoo NFT buyback. Submissions are accepted at http://EGGNFTBUYBACK.COM and can be reviewed until February 8.

Paul placed $400,000 for systematic development in 2023, but acknowledged potential issues with regulation – ultimately preventing the game’s release. To assure overall fairness in transactions, a 25-page public lawsuit can be located through a Google file repository.

“Nefarious trading activity taken behind our backs, without our knowledge, and with the intention of defrauding us all” Paul declared.

The anticialipating launch of the CryptoZoo game not only would have overwhelmed the public with a refreshingly new passion-initiated entertaining, but it had direct side with an educational component. The deviceable “zoo-like” intent enabled the public tothemselves to own their personal collection of a multitude of different animals, many worshipped from the conventional world of exotics. Nevertheless, the created operational system exposed hidden struggles that overall influenced the final admonition.